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How to Identify Common Dental Issues

Bright white teeth and fresh breath are a winning combination. Having both is often a sign of a healthier lifestyle and boosts your overall confidence and comfort. To get there, you need to visit the dentist regularly and have a…

Brushing Teeth

Oral Health is Linked to Overall Health

When we say to brush and floss twice a day, it's not just to keep your mouth healthy and clean. The link between your oral and overall health is scientifically proven and reinforced regularly with newer studies—links beyond simple tobacco…

Woman Brushing Teeth

Manual vs Electric Toothbrush

Did you know you should be replacing your toothbrush every 3-4 months? If you’re due for a change, consider if it’s time to switch to a different type of toothbrush. Whether you’re using manual or electric, there are pros and…

Cavity Prevention

What is a cavity? Cavities are permanently damaged areas in the hard surface of your teeth that form holes or openings. Cavities can be caused by a multitude of factors, including bacteria in your mouth, frequent snacking, drinking sugary drinks,…